Never as Easy as it Looks
Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend three days of workshops with Cathy Fosnot ( @ctfosnot ) in North Bay. This was a great opportunity to see so many constructs in person that I had previously only learned about through her books, or the podcasts with #notabookstudy and #themathpod. It was amazing to see "math congress," "mini-lessons," and "gallery walks" come to life! Also last week, I wrote about how math teachers can change how they ask questions in order to probe for concept development, rather than probing for just the answer. Inspired by what I had seen in North Bay, I wanted to try out this different style of questioning first hand. While working with different learners this week, I tried going past just getting the answer, and encouraged them to show me how they got their answer, or to draw a picture, or to explain their thinking in words, or tell me how they know their answer could be right. The results were disastrous. Learners be...